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Hope Anderson has lived in Charlotte, NC her entire life and had many family dogs growing up. As an adult, her continued love of dogs led to her becoming a ‘dog mom’ to her first Golden Retriever, Treasure. Hope was also active for many years in the Charlotte branch of Golden Retriever Rescue, helping to re-home unwanted or abandoned Golden Retrievers into new, forever homes. Two of those rescues found a home with her, Sassy, and then Hannah. Each of her ”Golden girls” deeply impacted her life in their own way; but needing a change, her next dog was a male Border Collie mix named  Brodie. Hope graduated from UNC-Charlotte with a BA in Psychology. Her career years were with corporate companies in the technology and banking industries. Retired as of September 2021, she enjoys her church activities and occasional trips to the North Carolina beaches or mountains. Other interests include early U.S. history, Scottish ancestry/genealogy, and reading historical fiction or mysteries.

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